Do's And Don'ts Of Writing An Economics Dissertation Introduction

Economics is a statutory study of the resources at hand as you moot over the options and chances. Land, labor and capital are the major factors that influence productivity. Of course, when you reach the dissertation stage, the dynamics change.

Operations change

The cards become tough to operate and you need to actually absorb the minutes of the topical theme with enterprise. It is closer to exaction than speculation and thus data and method are necessary implements.

While you are at the Introduction; what with the Literature Review and Background, you should take care of a few considerations. Here are a few do’s and don’ts –

The dos

  • You should create an instructive layout which facilitates the further work. In fact, the layout is also instrumental in carving other segments of the research paper.
  • You should map out pertinent points that relate to the topic in hand. You will need to make an endeavor to offer sound solutions to all these questions as the paper progresses.
  • You will have to present the salient facts about why you chose the topic and why you missed out on alternatives or rather ignored them. You cannot afford to miss out on any of the preliminaries.
  • You will have to write the Introduction in such a way that it naturally leads to the Methodology section. Seamlessness is always in order with these papers.
  • You will have to present a thesis statement and then stand up to it throughout the paper. Of course, this will necessitate strong logics and data.

The don’ts

  • You cannot reveal everything that you will mention in the subsequent stages. The revelation have to be subtle and at best, implicative. This actually comes better in the hands of a seasoned writer.
  • You cannot leave the Introduction replete with structural and grammatical errors. This is the first segment that hits the reader’s eye and thus requires the freshest proofreading.
  • You cannot confuse the readers with contradictory statements. He should get a clear clue about the actual fabric of your whole paper from the Introduction itself.
  • You cannot create scopes of conflict; otherwise it will be extremely hard to present the dissertation. The assertions have to be definite.
  • Your writing style cannot resort to poetry. This is a serious piece of writing and needs to maintain objective touch.

Of course, a lot of these dos and don’ts apply to other segments as well. It is therefore necessary to be discreet.
